2008 m. lapkričio 6 d., ketvirtadienis

The Psychology of Success

Knowledge and skills are not the only keys to success. To be successful, you also need to master the psychological skills that will help you to be satisfied and fulfilled, and thus more effective in your life. What is success? It’s not a position or power. It’s being happy, satisfied, and productive. But to achieve success in today’s highly competitive and constantly changing world you have to learn to build up your confidence and be assertive. You have to be able to put things in perspective so that you can counter stress, depression, and anxiety. And most importantly, you have to manage yourself so that you can manage your time.

Slelf-confidence is perhaps the most important, yet overlooked skill that you must have for success in your personal and business life. Here are six suggestions to help build your self-confidence:

* Behave “as if you’ve already done it.”
* Don’t be afraid of being flexible
* Make the most of your mistakes and then leave them behind
* Operate with a statute of limitations
* Be kind to yourself
* Practice self-confidence on a daily basis

Success means being fair to yourself and to others. You must learn to be assertive but fair. The psychology of success means that you have to keep things in perspective. Successful people never allow negative thoughts to hurt them.

Forcing yourself to step back and attempt to think differently about situations and events is a major step in battling anxiety, depression, and stress, three all-too-common psychological enemies to happiness and success.




1 komentaras:

Shyzzandra rašė...

You've mentioned very interesting definition of success. I think it would be easier for people if they knew that everything depends on their psychology:)
Good idea to mention suggestions how to build your self-confidence. I'll write them down and read every morning before going to the university :D