2009 m. gegužės 11 d., pirmadienis


Almost everyone has an irrational fear or two. For most people, these fears are minor. But for some, these fears cause tremendous anxiety and interfere with normal day-to-day life. When fears are irrational and disabling, they are called phobias. A phobia is an intense, unrealistic fear, which can interfere with the ability to socialize, work, or go about everyday life that is brought on by an object, event or situation. There are about 500 different phobias in the world, and this number is always growing! However I am going to describe just two phobias: brontophobia and aviophobia


Brontophobia is an abnormal and persistent fear of thunder and lighting. This type of phobia is often present in a mild form with young children, but normally begins to subside as the child enters adolescence. Household pets also sometimes exhibit this fear.

When lightning bolts appear in the skies or the sound of distant thunder reaches the ears of the Brontophobic, anxiety begins to mount. Brontophobia symptoms may include the outbreak of a fully fledged panic attack, including a sense of losing control, the heart begin to palpitate rapidly. Then person may hide under bends, desks, behind sofas or in closets.

The causes of Brontophobia are often linked to frightening childhood experiences during a storm and also thinking that thunder can hurt a person.

Brontophobia treatment is usually structured to address the specific symptoms of Brontophobia exhibited by the patient. Neuro Linguistics Program is the fastest way to treat this phobia. This program eliminate negative thoughts and habits and improve one‘s daily life.
Madonna is suffering from this phobia.


Aviophobia is the term used to define an irrational fear of flying. Common symptoms of Aviophobia include breathlessness, nausea, dry mouth, unclear speech and thought, giddiness, excessive perspiration, losing of psychological control, heart palpitations, shakes and occasional bouts of anxiety and depression. This fear can become a life altering phobia due to today's fast paced and fast traveled world.

Aviophobia is a learned response that can be passed down from first hand or second hand experiences. Also The fear of flying may be created by various other phobias and fears such as claustrophobia, a fear of heights (acrophobia), fear of hijacking or terrorism, fear of crashing resulting in injury or death.

Learning about the safety of flying can help take the edge off. Other effective way to overcome this phobia is Cognitive behavior therapy.
Jennifer Aniston is suffering from this phobia.

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